20-25 août 2018 Montpellier (France)


Applicants should send the application form including a 250 words abstract (about one page) describing their preparation in the field of mathematics education research, the present status of their work in the field, their research activities in the present academic year and their motivations to take part in the YERME 2018 Summer School, etc. (200-250 words, about one page).

They should also indicate preferences about topics (by selecting one "first choice", one "second choice" and one "third choice") in the application form.

Application forms must be sent not later than January 20th 31, 2018 [deadline extension].

The application form will be available here :


This application form must be be filled and sent back BOTH to viviane.durand-guerrier@umontpellier.fr AND simon.modeste@umontpellier.fr.

The proposed topics for the 2018 Summer School are:

  1. Teacher knowledge and practice; teacher education and professional development.
  2. Teaching and learning mathematics at primary level and transition with secondary level.
  3. Teaching and learning mathematics at secondary and advanced levels.
  4. Information technologies in mathematics teaching and learning.
  5. Proof, proving, problem solving and modelling in mathematics education.
  6. Theoretical perspectives, linguistic and representational aspects of teaching and learning mathematics.
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