20-25 août 2018 Montpellier (France)

Programme et organisation


According to the successful experiences of the previous European Summer Schools and its participants’ final suggestions, the program will include:

  • Six 45-minutes Lectures given by the invited experts (with 30-minutes additional discussions with the lecturer, prepared by small group discussions); before the Summer School, each expert will circulate (through Internet) a summary of his/her talk, pointing out relevant issues to be discussed.
  • Ten two-hour sessions in six parallel Thematic Working Groups; The Thematic Working Groups will meet every day (at least once). They will start from the participants’ papers and will address (amongst others) the following “leading questions”: How to choose research problems and research questions? How to refer to and use existing literature and frame the own research? How to construct an appropriate research methodology? How to position theory in the own research? How to identify, present and interpret research results? How to disseminate research findings so that they have real impact in schools and society? Specific attention will be paid to each participant’s own special needs.
  • Two 90 minutes Discussion Group Sessions: They will be devoted to topics of common interest – possibly including the above “leading questions”.
  • Two 90 minutes Informal Discussion Group Sessions: They will be devoted to issues that are relevant to individual YERME participants’ needs, self-organized by YERME.

The proposed topics for the 2018 Summer School are:

  1. Teacher knowledge and practice; teacher education and professional development.
    Leader: Tim Rowland
  2. Teaching and learning mathematics at primary level and transition with secondary level.
    Leader: Mariolina Bartolini Bussi
  3. Teaching and learning mathematics at secondary and advanced levels.
    Leader: Tommy Dreyfus
  4. Information technologies in mathematics teaching and learning.
    Leader: Jana Trgalova
  5. Proof, proving, problem solving and modelling in mathematics education.
    Leader: Maria Alessandra Mariotti
  6. Theoretical perspectives, linguistic and representational aspects of teaching and learning mathematics.
    Leader: Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs
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